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Want to own a Hotel? Here’s how to develop a concept.

A hotel is much more than just a large number of rooms and regular housekeeping. With the growing presence of Airbnb’s hotels must be specific about their value proposition to the consumer. A hotel must offer more than a design and layout. It must take into account the services they offer such as ambiance, attention to detail, the type of experiences for guests, as well as the quality of the products they supply to guests all of which is what the hotel will be known and remembered for.

Why do you need a hotel concept?

Hotel owners face challenges today that hotels from twenty or even ten years ago didn’t have to worry about. Travelers are in search of unique experiences. This coupled with the fact that millennials are tech-savvy, demand more for less, and aren’t as loyal to brands as previous generations can create tremendous pressure to get your concept right.

So as an owner, you have to make your hotel stand out. And the best hotels do that through hotel concept development that aspires to be innovative and offer a unique experience.

5 steps for successful hotel concept development

1. Define your customer segmentation

What are the demographics of your clientele and/or desired clientele? Questions to ask your self include:

· How can your concept help guests on a business trip?

· How can it help guests on vacation?

· What does your local area want from a hotel?

· How can you target different groups both from the local area and afar

2. Focus on your hotel’s best attributes

Your hotel’s attributes and assets are essential when developing your concept. This can include the design; hotel history; building history; the location and local area; the landscape and views; the type of clientele; the food and beverages you serve; and so forth.

For instance, a family-run hotel in a centuries-old building by the sea should emphasize its stunning seafront views and first-class service.

3. Think of the details and make your uniqueness shine

· Service quality

· Cleanliness

· Drinks variety at the bar

· Lounge area comfort

Make adjustments to see how these particular elements enhance your guest’s experience.

4. Embrace criticism of your concept

Your concept idea might seem brilliant to you, but if customers don’t agree, it doesn’t matter! Conduct regular consumer surveys and listen to feedback. Make changes based on your targeted consumer’s wants and needs.

5. Establish how your concept helps drive revenue

If you develop a hotel concept that doesn’t help drive revenue, you may need to think again. Many, hotel owners can get lost in creating what they want and not what the customer wants. All concept ideas must be measured against their usefulness in driving your hotel’s revenue.

With a brilliant concept in place, your hotel separates itself from the mediocre competition. Once you have established a market share you can take advantage of the benefits of having a unique concept.

The benefits include:

· Charging a premium rate

· Supporting investment pitches and partnership offers

· Attracting and retaining talented employees

In the hotel business design is crucial of course, but it is the quality and memorability of your service, and functionality as a hotel is key to the success of your hotel concept.

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